The Moysa Kiddos

The Moysa Kiddos

October 4, 2008

My new pony

So Greyson attempted to surf the ottoman again today and it gave me an idea. Why not get him a pony that he can go back and forth, back and forth on. Sooooo, since Daddy is sick and slightly grumpy today Grey and I went on a Mommy and son adventure. We went to..... Toys R us!!!! So much fun. His little eyes were so big and bright looking at all the fun stuff. After cruising the entire store for fun we happened upon two different ponies. Greyson got to choose.... so glad he chose the one I wanted =) The colors are so much cuter in his pony then the other one, haha. I guess that is the interior designer in me.

Grey decided to help mommy put the pony together, but realized that was too fun, so he climbed in the box instead. Now, the best part about the bottom picture is that he has such a serious face on because he was standing up, rocking and watching football all at the same time. He really wants USC to lose.... just like his Daddy!!!

We had a super fun day today, I think the little man is feeling much better cause he only had one nap today, but he was super fun and energetic. It was just a really good day.

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