The Moysa Kiddos

The Moysa Kiddos

October 16, 2008

Going to Ireland... or so he thinks

Grey came up stairs with me this afternoon to check out the blog on the computer... a little birdie told us Daddy had once again posted a blog. He is a blogging machine over there in Ireland. Well, I heard Grey in the closet getting into some trouble and I found him playing with a few of Daddy's things.

He decided he was going to pack himself away in the suitcase and join Daddy in Ireland. The video will show more =)You may wonder what he is throwing in the bath tub... they are the insoles to Geoff's shoes. He likes putting in really comfy insoles so he has about thirty pairs just sitting on our closet floor. Its wonderful, haha.

1 comment:

Jane said...

we're not sure what is funnier, him throwing stuff in the tub or pulling out the suitcase! He's so funny...loved hearing him say "bye bye".