The Moysa Kiddos

The Moysa Kiddos

October 14, 2008

Kissing Cousins

Kissing Cousins
Jump, Jump... Maddy is good at this, Grey is learning

My goodness... my hubby is beating me on the blog-front. I am so thankful for the internet cause how fun is it to see Ireland... so beautiful. Its beating dry, windy California right now. Well, there are a few fun pictures I have to show. On Thursday, Oct. 9 I babysat Maddy and Grey at Auntie C's house and captured some fun moments. These two together are constantly hilarious. The jumping in the foyer was the best. Maddy kept saying "Jumm, Jumm, Jumm" you really can't hear the "p" too well. And then there is Grey, moving his torso up and down, but his little feet are planted on the ground. Got to love the stages of development.

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