The Moysa Kiddos

The Moysa Kiddos

September 18, 2010

The arrival of:

Emerson Elle Moysa...September 14, 2010 @ 2:13pm weighing 6 lbs. 11oz and 19 1/2 inches
She came with some help (the vacuum) but after pushing 45 minutes a sunny side up baby, my doctor turned her and then stated her heart rate was low, and it was time to get her out. I was beginning to think she wouldn't come out vaginally...I'm so glad the vacuum worked. Pictures will be up soon!!!

September 10, 2010

Water table time

This guy has gotten so big and tall lately...he must know he is going to be a big brother soon! Here is just one of the many ways we deal with the heat here in Aliso...water table time! Too bad mommy doesn't fit in it =)

38 week baby bump

September 9, 2010

Emerson Elle update

I had another doctors apt yesterday so here is the update: I still didn't gain any weight which is super annoying! All last week and labor day weekend, all I did was eat! For some reason my body just isn't hanging on to any weight. My doctor said at this point no need to stress. I'm so close to the induction...only a week now, that as long as I'm at least maintaining, we are ok. Emerson looked good on the monitor again, so that was good. I'm still dialated to about a 3, but am now over 50% effaced. So, again, things are happening, but I'm still prego. I was telling a good friend of mine tonight, its not that I'm "over it" in the sense that I'm totally uncomfortable etc. Cause I'm really not. I'm sleeping pretty good still, don't have any back pain, and cause she's tiny, my belly isn't that big...what I'm "over" is just the waiting. Mentally I'm ready to be a mom of two...I know its going to be hard, I'm going to be exhausted, I'm going to be pulled into a hundred directions etc. But I'm ready for it and with the delay its just causing anxiety. So with that being said...I'm going to try to be patient, enjoy this time cause its the last time I'll be pregnant and just hope that she is a healthy little peanut!

September 6, 2010

the end of my pregnancy

Oh geez to be at the end of a pregnancy...I am kind of, officially over it! I had an eventful apt last Monday when we saw the baby doctor. I knew I was going to be able to see Emme on the ultrasound and hopefully was going to get checked if I was dialated. What it turned into was Emme is only in the low 5 lbs, I hadn't gained any weight in the last two weeks, and I was already dialated 3 cm! It was a whirlwind apt. The doc had me sit for a non-stress test to watch Emme to make sure she is tolerating the inside ok...which she is! So he said my "homework" was to rest and eat a lot. Well, some of that is easier said then done. So my, what normally is a 20 minute apt, turned into an hour and 40! I see the doc again on Wed for another non-stress test and hopefully to be checked again. Either way I have an induction date set for Sept 17th, if Emme stays in til then. Its all so crazy, just cause my pregnancy has been so to hear all that was crazy! I decided on Thursday as I was heading to work that it was going to be my last I called my boss and broke the news. Thankfully she was so ok with it! It was a weird feeling walking out of a baby store I have worked at for 13 years!!! It felt good though and I know I was doing what was right for myself and my baby girl. I am now just hanging out, waiting for this little girl. I can't wait to meet her, I can't wait not to be prego...I am excited!!!