The Moysa Kiddos

The Moysa Kiddos

June 5, 2009

Sofia Rose Rodgers

My good friend Jen had her baby girl yesterday after going a week past her due date, poor thing. She was a champ and made giving birth look easy. She welcomed me into her birthing room for the entire experience which was magical, amazing, breathtaking.... etc. She was stuck at 4cm for a VERY long time, Csection talk was on the horizon, but with the faith of a doctor knowing she could do it, they cranked up the pitocin and waited. Well, within an hour she was at 8 cm and with in 2o minutes was ready to push. She, at that point, had to breath through some pretty crazy contractions because her doctor wasn't there yet... about 6 pushes later:

Sofia Rose Rodgers
8lb. 2 oz.
20 inches



jbel said...

you know what this means don't you?
You are next! You will so have the baby bug now, if you didn't before witnessing the birth!

Unknown said...

Look at all that hair! So Cute!!

jbel said...

me again ... did you guys happen to pop over to your mom n dad's yet and see the DVD???

p.s. left a thank-you card there too for the AWESOME shower gift! Thanks again!!!