The Moysa Kiddos

The Moysa Kiddos

April 11, 2009

Dye those Easter Eggs

So Celina and I decided it would be super fun to have the kids dye easter eggs together on Friday... half way thru the project we were rethinking our plan =) It is not easy to instruct two 2 year olds how we put the eggs "gently" into the cups of dye, "leave" them in the cup for a while to get color and then let "mommy" take the egg out of the cups!!! It was tough, thankfully we had no spillage...

Maddy admiring her masterpieces

Greyson pointing to his... if you look at the middle cup you can see the top of the egg... thats because he threw a second one in the same cup... SPLAT- CRACK

"NO GA GA" look how perfect Maddy's finger is pointing at him =)

He is so good at holding the crayon... I don't know how he learned that

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