The Moysa Kiddos

The Moysa Kiddos

March 2, 2010


Hi blogging world...its been awhile. My only excuse...I'm tired. Not "didn't get enough sleep" or "went to bed late" tired...I mean who slipped me the bottle of benadryl tired. It is almost impossible to get up off the cough once I sit (or lay) down on it. It is almost impossible to stay up past poor husband, I'm such a bore lately. So with that being said the last thing I have wanted to do it fire up the computer and do an enthusiastic blog post...instead right now I'm laying on the couch updating from my phone...pathetic, yes, but I wanted to say hello.
I'm 10 weeks and 5 days prego and not quite over the morning sickness that lasts all day. I thought I was starting to feel better cause this weekend wasn't horrible, but this morning proved me wrong!!! I have a doctors apt tomorrow morning for just a typical visit...we can't wait til we can find out what this little one is. Any guesses???
We probably won't find out til I'm sixteen weeks so the countdown is on. Once this crazy tired stage is over I promise to get back to my fun post...


The Conrads said...

Did you have morning sickness with Greyson?

jbel said...

I'm guessing another boy!

Poor you. The sickness thing always avoided me. I got lucky.

How does Greyson do while you're resting on the couch? Does he hold his own, play with his toys? Or does he find trouble lurking behind every corner?

Hang in there!