The Moysa Kiddos

The Moysa Kiddos

March 19, 2010

A celebration of sorts

Today I officially signed Grey up for "school." On Tuesday he will be starting at the Kindercare out by our house. We are all very excited about this. It unfortunately came about because his childcare that he attends now needed to close. He will sadly miss going to ABSeas, but I think this new venture for him will be great for his development. He will now be in a more "classroom" setting, with structure, direction and rules. He has all of a sudden shown at his age that he needs this kind of thing, and I think he will benefit from it greatly. It's funny though, cause I am having that feeling of "oh my baby is going to school." For the next three months he will be in the 2 year old room being POTTY TRAINED!!!! YAY!!!! But once he turns three he will be moved to the preschool room. Crazy. I can't wait to see how he changes in the next coming months, I just anticipate his language increasing, him wearing big boy underwear and just seeing him so excited to go to school. So after we dropped off the paperwork and the registration fee, Grey and I decided to grab him his special milk and head to the park at the Regional Park by our house. We played together for over an hour or so and then decided it was time for lunch. We grabbed McDonalds and headed to another park to enjoy the amazing weather and the mommy son time together. We ate, he played, I let my belly soak up the sun... it was a lot of fun. Especially cause he had the park to himself...

Dancing to Black Eyed Peas "Tonights Going to be a Good Night"
There was a jog-a-thon taking place at the school next door so they had a dj

Hows that look???

Such a big boy all ready for "his School"

1 comment:

Hogan House said...

Bri...Blake has changed so much since he started preschool in January. He has gained so much confidence, loves being around his friends more than anything, and is just "growing up"...sad for me though! Good luck...Grey will LOVE it:-)