The Moysa Kiddos

The Moysa Kiddos

March 28, 2010

First three days of school

So Grey started school last week and it has been quite the transition. He has always been such an adaptable child, partly cause I have worked since he was 8 weeks old and he has been shuffled around from one amazing friends house to another. But the shool atmosphere has been an adjustment. The first day he was super excited to go... grabbed his backpack, his two blankies, hopped in daddy's car and off we went. When we got there he was very excited to take a picture and get inside. Then the hard part came...the goodbye. There were no tears on his end, and mommy and daddy were able to hold them in til we got outside.
His first day went o.k. there were tears through out the day, but he said he had fun. Day two he was reluctant to go back. But I got him loaded in the car and off we went. He again, wanted to take a picture. Then he didn't want me to leave this time... when I picked him up he was very excited to see me. Probably more excited then I would like, cause he wanted to leave. But he told me that he had fun, but that he cried before naptime cause he "like mommy and daddy." That made me sad.
Day three is my later day to get to work, so I didn't take him til about 9 a.m. When we got there they were just finishing up snack and starting to have circle time on the mat, he didn't want to join. He didn't want to let go of my leg, he made mommy cry infront of the was a rough morning. I didn't want to leave him and go to work, I wanted to take him home and play all day. He cried hysterically, I walked away. Big sigh......
I went to work, which I am throughly disliking at the moment and went on with my long day. Geoff picked him up from school and said that the teacher said Grey had a good day. He loved the lunch, which was my concern the last couple days... Grey has said he doesn't like the food, so I was worried he wasn't taking in enough throughout the day. He is like my and when his blood sugar drops its bad news. But he told me he had a bean and cheese taco and loved it. yay!!!!!
So I am anxiously awaiting this coming week and am really hoping it all goes well. Too much stress for this prego mama.... which probably explains the above post.

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