The Moysa Kiddos

The Moysa Kiddos

October 3, 2009

Taking in the Start of Fall

Greyson has been sick since Tuesday, but is finally doing better. He has had no fever since yesterday morning so I think it is safe to say his little body is on the mend. Today I finally thought it would be good to let him get outside and use up some energy... being stuck in the house for three full days can make us all crazy. Yesterday he proved that was true... I want to forget everything about yesterday... it was a BAD day. Today has been much better: Starting with a fabulous coolness in the air, blue skies and the feeling of Fall. I am so excited for the change in weather and for the holidays to start. It is for sure my favorite time.
Grey got a little tired so I was pulling him... ya know that feeling after having a temperature for a few days... no energy at all.

so pretty and vibrant

Charging after his little break

Capturing the moment... I missed his Cheese face

Orange is my favorite color at the moment.

Taking in the view from the Latitudes South walk way

So beautiful today

And there he goes....

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