The Moysa Kiddos

The Moysa Kiddos

August 23, 2009

Fun with just us

Last weekend we needed to get out of the house, but really didn't want to spend any money. so daddy came up with the idea to go down to the harbor and just walk around. We brought along Greys skooter and just let him lead the way, Chopper came too. Grey was definately daddy's boy while we were down there... hence no pic with mommy... he refused. He has really become very opinionated lately...

On Sunday we went to Disneyland... we had so much fun... as usual.

Grey and Daddy ventured into a gift store while Mommy was dealing with a work issue on the phone... out came Grey and Daddy with a sword. Below is us at home playing sword fight...

He's goin to get me... great face of mine that Geoff captured =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful time you're having, enjoying your time with Greyson, cousins Maddy and Brody and of course we can't leave out Grammy and Poppy. You're so lucky to have them so close and ready for their grandbabes.
I'll be seeing them next Monday when I drive to Lynn's for my day with the "greats" Can't wait.
Hugs, Nana