The Moysa Kiddos

The Moysa Kiddos

March 9, 2011

Kiddos all stinkin cute

Just some fun photos of the kids. Emme is really getting better at sitting unassisted. I try to practice with her often. I believe Grey was sitting at this age, but with the second kid you tend to either hold them more or put them in an exersaucer or swing. Ooopss sorry Em. We'll get there. I went shopping for her yesterday and grabbed some new clothes. Oh, I could have done it for hours. Here is one of her new outfits.

Greyson has all of a sudden shot up in heighth. He is growing out of everything. I will have to go shopping for him next. A pair of jeans that I was rolling about two inches up in December don't have to be rolled more then a 1/2" now. How did that happen? And all his shirts...ha, the long sleeve shirts look like 3/4 length. Poor guy! Put he had fun at the park yesterday, being the big boy he is.

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